Tuesday 18 March 2008

Road Songs (Marcato)

Last week I had to go to see the nurse at my local doctor's surgery because one of my ears was blocked (well, actually she syringed both of them just to be on the safe side). Now, I know that this column does not busy itself with organs responsible for maintaining equilibrium and sensing sound. This weekly space is about sharing with you music I listen to whilst out driving. So, bear with me, please.

Whilst one of my senses was suffering, my mood changed and a feeling of helplessness kicked in. I felt deprived, especially in the morning when right after waking up a sentiment of despondency overcame me. Finally on Wednesday last week I went to see the nurse and within 30 minutes I was back to normal. Caveat, though, I am not going back to have the same treatment. By law nowadays nurses and doctors must give patients a run-down of perilous side-effects that might occur after they undergo any type of medical procedure. Amongst the ones that cleaning a blocked ear can bring about are partial or total deafness and heart attack. So, next time it will be the olive oil.

However, on this Wednesday morning as soon as I steppped out of the clinic, the only effect I had was that I suddenly felt like the world had opened a new leaf from its ancient book to me and I was skimming through it studiously. True, I walked to work but later on that day and then two days after I was already behind the wheel.

'Do not use any type of personal stereo', said the nurse. Well, I don't need to, I would have replied. I've got me music in the car, luv.

My ears, unblocked once more, transported me through melodic canals as my hands steered the wheel through the streets of London. As the music breezed out of the car stereo my sense organs attuned themselves to the effects of both gravity and motion. The gravity was the outcome of all these musical notes falling softly on my lap. The motion was driver and vehicle choreographing adventurous (but not hazardous!) moves on the road. The result of that polyphony is below for everyone to enjoy.

Copyright 2008


  1. Man, a cada rato me ha pasado eso.
    Y cuando me libro de ESO, tengo inmediatamente una sensación de apreciar los tonos como si fueran colores nuevos. Sera que el stereo del stereo nos lo lleva un tapón.

    cuídate, ;)

  2. Gracias por el comentario bro, a propósito me gustó lo que escribiste el otro día de youtube siendo en realidad un 'you, too'.

    Saludos desde Londres.

  3. Me has recordado mis clases de quimica hace 40 años. Me explicaron que una mezcla caliente de agua y alcohol al 40% contrae y disuelve el taco de cera y grasa que tupe el oido y facilita su salida. Se mezclan 100 mL de alcohol con 150 mL de agua a 50 grados Celsius. Se echa poco a poco ( está caliente!) en el oido tupido y se mantiene la cabeza de lado durante unos cinco minutos. Luego se vira la cabeza del otro lado y debe destupirse solo. Puede repetirse un par de veces mas. Yo lo probé varias veces en aquella epoca en que tenia los oidos tupidos a menudo y funcionaba bien. Hace mucho tiempo que no se me tupen los oidos. Parece que el clima tiene algo que ver en eso.
    Al Godar

  4. ¡Gracias por el consejo, Al!

    Saludos desde Londres.



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