Friday 23 May 2008

Road Songs (Variations) (2nd Part)

This is the follow up to last week's column and there might even be a third part next week. Enjoy.

Copyright 2008


  1. Bueno, ya te habia comentado la semana pasada... Que no es lo mismo un Bentley que un Ford Focus...!

    Recibiste mi email? Ojala te animes! Un abrazo.

  2. Hi, Cuban en el tema automor voy con desfase...just to say hello;-)

  3. oye cuban, te deje algo por aqui hace rato y ahora no lo encuentro.

    mi yunta, manana viernes hay descarga en casa de IVIS, la cubanita.
    nos vemos, t.

  4. Cuban, espero que se te arregle la vida pronto!! Y tienes algún otro lugar en planes o te cogió de sorpresa?

    Oye, una cubiche que vive en USA se ofreció para ayudar con las traducciones. Le puedo decir que haga la de la convocatoria? Yo creo que tú ahora estás cogí'o, eh?

    Saludos blogueros,

  5. Dear Dancers,

    for those who dont know what Afro - Cuban dance is
    about - this is a wonderful way to find out with a
    really superb teacher who has such grace!

    Mario will be teaching again and please come and
    explore it, we had 3 bata drummers tonight, it was
    awesome in the true sense, a really special session.
    Mario is a gifted teacher and it was truly reminiscent
    of my exposure of this style of dance in Cuba. -
    exhilarating and difficult in all of it['s subtleties
    and complexities musically.

    There were only a few dancers who were there that are
    'regulars' most who came were from Mario's class so
    there is a pool of people to learn from which is

    Take the opportunity if you can, i would like to bring
    him back regularly, the entire experience is one that
    i will savour. Hope he will teach rumba next time!

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    best wishes,

    SheronFollowing on from that Mario,I would like to say thank you again for giving us this opportunity to experience Shango - even on minimal funds. We want to advocate funds that will cover the cost of your drummers properly as we see this as a necessary part of the session and wouldnt want them to feel deferred in any way. I will discuss payments properly with Sheron as I think its only fare that members pay more for sessoins accompanied by drummers. I would like to see Elegua in the next session and also your exploration of the Rumba fusion that you mentioned. Dates for your diary: please let me know if July 17th is a good date for you and drummers. This Feedback33 session will be held at WAC performing Arts and Media College on Haverstock hill, Thursday 7-9pm.MANY THANKS FOR THE STRENGTHING! ONCE AGAIN....BLESS YOU,ZELA X

  6. Thanks to you both, too. It was a truly awesome experience.

    See you soon.



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