Thursday, 27 March 2008

Road Songs (Talking About a Revolution-Tracy Chapman)

Although I am more jaded and cynical now, there was a time in the late 80s when I believed in a brighter future and this song became part of the sountrack accompanying that mood. To me it was also a song that helped me understand the racial prejudices that existed and still exist in Cuban society. I became so keen on Tracy that my mates quipped with me on whether I had a crush on her (I did) and on how dark-skinned she was. The barrage of epithets that I heard my fellow classmates from the Saúl Delgado College utter about this extraordinary singer laid the foundations for what would later become my quest for my own African roots. I remember copying her style of jeans and vest a little bit and being enthused by her songs 'Fast Car', 'Baby Can I Hold You Tonight?' and 'Behind the Wall'. Dazzling.

1 comment:

  1. Contra cuban, nos traes siempre los recuerdos más empinG. Cuando tu estabas por el Saul y un servidor por el guiteras. !COMO HA LLOVIDO!
    Fast car, por allá por los últimos anos de la decada 80, cambiO el sonido de su época y le abrió la puerta a una música más alejada de los sintetizadores pero a la vez mas real. A uno le entraban ganas de tocar acústico y el concepto unplugged se puso de moda. Marcatney unos meses mAs tarde sacó con MTV un álbum para comer y llevar. EL new wave, los pelos encaracolaos y los electric drums pasaron a mejor vida, junto a Phil Collins y el Michael... que ya ni importaba si era white or black...
    Todo estaba listo para lo que iba venir: Guns n’ Roses era solo el adelanto... God save NIRVANA!

    nos pillamos , tony.



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