Sunday 28 September 2008

Song for an Autumn Sunday Morning

Adagio in G minor - Albinoni


  1. oh dear..i was just listening to Cocorosie playing the harp when i opened your blog..and now this !
    there are no words for the Adagio: so perfect, enthralling...This is the piece i want to dance to on Willow's party !!

    (don't know if you're a cinephile, Orson Welles used it for his movie The Trial..GREAT effect)

    and gracias and hope you're having a fab week end too !

  2. Lala, yes! I will have to put this on the Music list for the ball!!

    It's so emotionally stirring. I can never listen without being moved, can you?

  3. Vivaldi's The Four Seasons seamed perfect for this rainy morning... but this is just dizzy, dizzy

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments. I've always been an Albinoni's fan and this melody takes me back to the concerts held at the National Theatre in Havana every Sunday morning many years ago by Cuba's Symphonic Orchestra.

    Greetings from London.

  5. bienvenida la tristeza linda que me deja el otoño.

  6. Y bienvenido tu, asere. Muchas gracias.

    Saludos desde Londres.

  7. Adoro esta música - me recuerda a La Habana como lo que solía ser (la atmósfera en la película
    "Adiós a Cuba" con Andy Garcia y Inès Sastre) -
    Greetings from the French Alps..:)

  8. I love this piece...always have. Thank you for sharing it.

  9. Thanks, here, there... and TB.

    Greetings from London.

  10. I love this song. I think I actually have it on vinyl somewhere.

  11. And if you have it on vinyl, karma, dust it off and out it on when the wind starts blowing and the leaves begin to fall the trees. It's magical.

    Greetings from London.



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