Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Urban Diary

Most of the flags have come down, a sea of paper on the ground. My neighbours no longer talk up Hodgson and his team; too far behind they are for the tag “cream of the cream”. There is a new fast food joint just up the road, a lonely St George’s cross on its front looks like an ode. To what? To whom? You might still wonder, forget it, mate, there is no answer.

And yet, three weeks ago, all those illusions! Yes, it’d be hard, but no confusion. The English team would plough ahead, using their feet, tactics and heads. Of course, there were the Italians, and Balotelli the main stallion. There was also the small matter of Luis Suárez, the skilful master. But against the odds the fans did bet, sadly an unlucky fate they met. The Gunners fans opposite mine, bright red cross on their car; it lost its shine. The window cleaner from five doors down: “2-1”, “To England?”, “You’re mad? Nah, to the toothy clown”.

Last week I walked from house to station, my barrio a mini United Nations. Flags of all colours festooning streets, faces beaming smiles so sweet, that even cynics would find hard, to give this World Cup the red card.

Still there lay, right on the ground, the paper flag that makes fans frown. It is a puzzle, a future tense, to be resolved four years hence.

© 2014

Next Post: “Sunday Mornings: Coffee, Reflections and Music”, to be published on Sunday 6th July at 10am (GMT)


  1. ha. i had no illusions with the US team...though i will admit to getting a little hopeful when we were still in it at full time that last game...

  2. I think it is healthy for adolescents to participate in athletics, in sports, in games, but, frankly, I go back and forth about the positives vs. the negatives of these things beyond the collegiate level and I never have been able to understand the "fan syndrome."

    Going to a game is like going to a concert or to a film for me -- something to be enjoyed for what it is, for the moment, even for the "tribal" companionship. But, to go to game after game, week in and week out, to run around wearing the "colors" of a given team or a replica jersey of a favorite player is beyond my understanding. Actually, I find these things frightening. It is reminiscent of lynch mob mentality, from my point of view.

  3. Some sure go all out and look at you go with the flow about

  4. I can't get worked up over modern day football, yet as a young teenager I followed the local team. Of course, football in those days was a mere sport!

  5. Pfft all these days were only football or socker here at home.
    Now thank' s God all.more quiet!
    Im dissapointed with England really I think will be better!
    And USA was really good thinkkng in others years before.
    I thimk the winner would be Germany or Nrtherlands are the best times!

  6. It took me a while to realize you were talking about the World Cup. I don't follow sports at all, if you can't tell!

  7. Never mind, we might do better in the test matches against India ... well, maybe ...

  8. Tan solo mis saludos, sigo a grandes lineas el deporte, no soy fan.
    Un abrazo.

  9. I've only watched one match so far... Nice writing.

  10. Sport on the telly? (Or even on our doorstep...) Roll on Le Tour de France!

  11. I'm really not interested in football, the only sport that matters to me is tennis.

  12. Not being a football fan, I had no idea England's hopes had been dashed until I inadvertently caught in on the news channel - sorry guys!
    I just find it highly irritating when my favourite TV programs are moved around to make way for matches!:/
    Now if it were for F1...well that would be a different matter entirely...LOL :D

  13. Ha. Very charming and in couplets! Why do you not write it out in poetic form? An ode to the losers? Lovely! K.

  14. It is funny you posted this today. I actually met a player from the US team just yesterday! Geoff Cameron. It was kinda cool :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Cuban, just to let you know I'm off all social media until the end of the year. Have *banned* myself (!!!!!) until I get my next book out because I use the slightest social meda excuse to perfect my procrastination skills instead of writing. A total ban is a dastic method but a necessary one for me to get my next book out! Any seriously big news I hope you'll let me know via email so I can join in the cheers!!

    Take care and sahle kahle
    Judy Croome, Johannesburg, South Africa

  17. Many thanks for your comments. even though most fans know what to expect of the England team, there were more hopes this year.

    Greetings from London.



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