Sunday 5 April 2009

Song for a Spring Sunday Morning - Bachelorette by Björk


  1. La vi, la vi, la vi!!!!! Fue en el verano 2007; canto aqui y yo si estuve alli!!!!! Dios, es uno de los conciertos mas magicos en los que he estado en toda mi vida. Fue al aire libre, en el Viejo Puerto de Montreal. No te puedo describir la electricidad y la vibra maravillosa que habian en el aire. Para mi, ella y Mathew B. simplemente son de la estirpe de artistas MONSTERS, jajajajaja!!! Gracias por tan bella musica y tan grata lectura.

  2. BjÖrk non la sentivo da anni. HO l'album di debutto ancora tra i miei dischi e CD.
    Quando uscí era una cantante assolutamente innovativa nel suo stile. E lo é ancora oggi. Ha fatto anche un film (musical), che ha avuto molto successso.

    Molto brava!!

    Saluti da Colonia,

  3. Fan, fan, fan a ella.
    A la música, a los videoclips y las otras cosas locas que se le ocurren, como por ejemplo el "conozca el interior... de mi televisor":

  4. Wonderful!! Loved the fabulous strings accompanying. Happy Spring Sunday to you, as well!

  5. Still have 6 hours left to's a Spring Sunday Evening!!!And not a bad one at all..

  6. Thanks. That somehow musically hit the spot tonight.

  7. me dais envidia los que tenéis en algún lado del cerebro almacenada tanta música... me gusta, la recuerdo un tiempo, la olvido, la vuelvo a escuchar, me vuelve a gustar, no recuerdo el nombre...

  8. Oh, Isabella, que suerte tuviste!

    Willow, that string arrangement is to die for, isn't it?

    I love her quirkiness and experimentation. Many thanks for your kind comments.

    Greetings from London.

  9. I love, love, love Bjork - her work, her style, her entire philosophy of life (what I know of it)...and, I agree with the others,
    that string arrangement is to die for...thanks for sharing :)

  10. Thank you for posting this. I am only familiar with BjÖrk's memorable Academy Awards swan fashion faux pas. Her music is very original - great use of strings.

  11. I have not heard Bjork before - I enjoyed this. Beautiful strings and cadences too.

  12. Thanks a lot for the video Mr Cuban...
    I have a second site :
    with a second part of artwords-artimages...(I've just begun)
    See you soon at Maison-Ancolia...
    Greetings from everywhere,

  13. You've got great taste in music. Her voice is one of a kind, and the music is phenomenal! Thank you for sharing it us:)


  14. Many thanks, Nancy, for your kind words.

    Greetings from London.

  15. Great song! It's funny, because I think that here in America, we covet the British singers...We had The Rolling Stones do our Superbowl half time show a couple years ago - in Detroit. You can't get more American than American football in our midwest, and we had a British rock band singing? I guess the grass is always greener, huh?

  16. Fantastic! I am a big fan of Bjork. I can't listen to all her music, but the songs I love, I love massively.

    Perfect!! Thank you!

  17. Many thanks to you both for your lovely comments.

    Greetings from London.

  18. I have been re-discovering Bjork on my own of late, and was so excited to see your posting...and amazingly pleased to listen to this particular piece. Wow! A new favorite added to the playlist!
    Wishing you a delightful day!!

  19. Many thanks, Tracy, for your kind comment.

    Greetings from London.



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