Sunday 5 October 2008

Song for an Autumn Sunday Morning

Sting - Shape of My Heart


  1. Thanks for this lovely mellow song for a lazy autumn Sunday! Even Sting's walls are a wonderful color for the season.

  2. Ah - thanks for making my Sunday a little bit better ;-)

    ...and I like the book you're reading. I was thinking of rereading it last month, but hmmm it's hard to reread when there's so much I have yet to discover ;-)

  3. Thanks, willow and sara. Yes, inadvertently (ha, who am I kidding?) I chose the clip without realising that the walls matched the season.

    sara, I am sincerely struggling through the first 60-odd pages hoping that it my perseverance will pay off. There's too much academic lingo involved and I don't know whether I will be able to bear it any further. Still, I am here, stoically here.

    Greetings from London.

  4. The quietness of that song pretty much sums up this lazy Sunday.

  5. I love that song, it's beautiful.
    It's been raining in Norfolk all day, i hope the weather in London is better than it has been here.

  6. Esta cancion me mata! Es una de mis preferidas de Sting. La pelicula "Leon" que termina con este tema esta buenisima. La viste?

    Un saludo,
    y ya volvere....

  7. I love it! Sting is so sexy too.

  8. Thanks, yes, diva, certainly my Sunday has been very lazy indeed. And bohemian, London is soaking wet... and I love it!

    Lena, vi 'Leon' hace muchos an-os y me encanto.

    Claire, I will not comment on sting's sexiness, but I bet Trudie feels she's a very lucky woman.

    Greetings from London.

  9. Una tarde de Noviembre de 1997 (25) llevé a mi jevita al Cristo de la Habana y allí, desde la otra orilla, ella se despidió del malecón en medio de un frente frío tempranero. ¿Cómo irse a Miami sin cumplir con el ritual habanero de irse al mar, para expresar los sentimientos? Me acuerdo que entonces le prometí que la seguiría a donde quiera que fuera y ella (Maylin) me dijo que esperaría por mi todo el tiempo que fuese necesario. Dos años después, luego de mataperrear por varios países de Europa y cruzar la frontera de México (milagrosamente), pude llegar a la Florida y cumplir mi promesa de encontrarla.
    La cuestión es que aquella tarde de Otoño de regreso a su casa, escuchábamos sting-fields of gold.
    Nos pillamos, tony.

  10. Ahhh, 'Fields of Gold'. 'You remember me, I remember you...' Escogieron ambos una cancion que le traquetea. Es dificil no emocionarse con una tonada asi.

    Saludos desde Londres.

  11. I see your point on the language, but I think the ideas are well worth the struggle ;-) (Then again it's a very thick book...)

  12. Oh, the ideas are great, sara! Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt! I have just started the psychoanalysis bit and I'm beginning to enjoy the book. Yup, it's quite thick but then I don't mind thick books.


    Greetings from London.

  13. Thanks to you, TB.

    Greetings from London.

  14. A song is more beautiful with just one instrument accompanying it. I love Sting and I hadn’t heard this one. It’s romantic and folksy. Thanks for sharing.

  15. One of the few Sting songs I actualy rather enjoy. Thanks for posting it here.

  16. Thanks, Sarah and mmm for your kind comments.

    Greetings from London.

  17. WOW! I love this song. I thought that I was the only one ;-)

  18. No, you're not the only one, shine, Sting has been part of my life's soundtrack for many years.

    Greetings from London.



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