Sunday, 1 April 2012

Sunday Mornings: Coffee and Music

We all have a little corner we call our own, it could be in our city/town, or in our mind. Don't forget to look after your corner. Enjoy your Sunday. I'm enjoying my time off from blogging.


  1. If everybody did as you suggest, what a difference that might make...

  2. Yes, let's each take care of a corner, and also each take care of a tree!

  3. thank you for being an endless source of inspiration to me, cuban!
    you convey SO much with your little words. loved this post.

    enjoy your break!

  4. I noticed you and I are both reading "We Need to Talk about Kevin" ... how are you liking it?

  5. I hope you're enjoying your time off! I wouldn't say I've been taking time off, more like I've been slacking, but it's been good too.


  6. Thank you very much for your kind comments.

    Dissolved, I avoided WNTTAK for a few years because of the hype surrounding. I don't normally read novels that are "forced" down my throat. But I knew about Lionel's non-fiction writing through her columns in The Guardian and her essays in other publications. The book cost 50p, which might have been a stronger motivation to buy it and read it. I can't praise it enough. It's a tough read, not because of the style but because of the subject matter, especially for parents and carers.

    Greetings from London.

  7. I like the video more than the music but I appreciate the message about taking care of your corner. Good to hear that you are enjoying yours.

  8. What good advice! I am in my corner, and it is refurbished with new shelves built by my husband and new library boxes for all my clutter.

  9. Enjoy your break from blogging - I'm sure you'll come back from your blog break refreshed.

    When I took my recent blogging break I was surprised at how many books I managed to read. Hope you're enjoying your reading - We Need To Talk About Kevin isn't high on my list of must-reads, but one day I may read it as it has such excellent reviews.
    Judy, South Africa

  10. That's a blast from the past!Thanks for the inspiring spoken word tune.



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